Fall family photos, Saskatoon

Fall is a popular time for family photos here in Saskatoon.  This family came from Kindersley, SK for their session.  I'm so used to chasing around toddlers so having two well behaved boys who took direction like no body's business was a bit of a surprise!  The whole family was so photogenic.  At the end of the session the youngest said:  "Can we do this everyday?  That was so fun!"  LOL.  If I had the time, I would love to shoot you everyday buddy.  You guys were a real treat.  Thank you, again, for taking the time to come all the way to Saskatoon for your family photos.  It was an absolute pleasure!

A new dress, A flower farm, and a 4 year old. - Saskatoon photographers

My little girl turned 4 this summer!  I can't believe it's been 4 years since we welcomed our first born into the world.  She received this gorgeous dress from her Auntie who brought it all the way back from Italy for her!  I knew I had to do a photoshoot of her in it.  I really wanted to do something really girly with her, as that is her:  Girly.  I thought doing the session out at my parents flower farm would be the perfect place!  (Yes, my parents grow flowers on the farm to sell to flower shops in Saskatoon.  Pretty cool right??  You can keep tabs on what they are up to on their facebook page HERE)  While the farm got hit with frost a few nights ago, there was still a lot in bloom and they looked amazing!  We did this session in about 20 minutes, because well, that's all my girl will give me.  Needless to say, I feel like I captured her personality perfectly.  So here she is... my little princess.  I love her to bits!!!  And I'm bias, but isn't she gorgeous?    

I don't like to play favorites...

This mom and I went to photography school together.  Their wedding was the second wedding I ever photographed.  The not-so-little girl was just 2 when she posed for us in class.  It's hard to believe she turned 10 this year!  I'm grateful they come to me every year for family photos.  It's pretty cool to see the kids grow up and the mom and dad look exactly the same (lucky buggers, lol).  They are some of my favorite people to photograph.  Thanks for supporting us over the years.  It makes me so thankful to do what I do!  Looking forward to capturing your family again next year!   

Teddy Bear's picnic - Saskatoon Photographer

What do you get when you have an adorable little boy who turns 6 months old, and his mom is a talented event planner over at Barredo events?  You get this!  A super cute stylized shoot.  The most adorable 'Teddy Bear's Picnic' I have ever seen!  Huge thank you to Jess over at Barredo events for bringing all the props for this super cute session!

Busy, busy, busy! Welcome to life with two kids:).

I photographed this little girl when she was a baby.  It was so cool to see her so grown up, and oh so busy!  She sat so good at the beginning of the session then we just let her run around and I chased her.  LOL.   And her little bro.  Equally adorable!  Gosh, this family has become near and dear to me.  And their kids.... so freakin' adorable!!!!  I tried narrowing down a selection for viewing.  Obviously it was way to hard, so here are over half of their images!  So many great shots. 

Monkey Business

How do we get nice natural smiles?  We act completely silly!  Like really, really silly.  If you've ever been in front of my camera, you will know what I mean when I say, I usually bust out the Monkey.  Doesn't always work for the kids, but it always works for the adults.  I think to be a great photographer, you need to be able to make people laugh.  And by doing that, you just have to have no shame.  This foursome loved the monkey, and it loved them:).

Emma Lake - Lakeland photographer

Did you know we offer sessions up at the lake in northern Saskatchewan for no travel fee's?  We have very limited weekend availability for these sessions but they make for some great memories for all you lucky folks who head up to the lake for the summer!  Sessions are at Emma Lake and Christoper Lake with a small fee for Waskasiu or other surrounding lakes. 

We did this session last week on the beach at Emma Lake.  While the little princess was nearly impossible to make smile, once she got playing in the water, I got a ton of great expressions.  Both these kids are so darn adorable.  They obviously get their good looks for their parents.  

If you are interested in a lake session, please message me early as I only have a couple of weekends still available for these sessions for the summer/early fall.